
I mentioned yesterday on Twitter that I would like to travel. I guess I need to explain myself better. When I say travel, everyone assumes I want to visit a place, see the sites there, take a few photos and come back. Nope. That’s not what I want to do.

I want to travel to a place, live there, learn something about the people there. Understand what makes them tick, what they like, what they hate. The whys and whos and whens. Basically I want to experience a place and not just travel to it.

To do this I would need to spend a few months at least in a place. Which means I need to have some solid gold stashed away. I have none. So it stays a pipe dream for now.

I’ll get around to it one of these days, but that requires planning. I have never been great at planning things in my personal life. Perhaps I’ll get better at it.

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