Thoughts on ending WFH

Balanarayan working at a desk at home

IT companies are gradually re-opening offices and working towards getting everyone to be on site. After the last three years I’m not sure how that process will work out for a lot of my colleagues who have packed up and shifted away from cities for a healthier life during this never ending lockdown.

In my case the WFH setup is good, but not great. That said, I don’t have to waste money and time travelling to an office. Since I’m in Mumbai now, this means I save three to four hours I would have to otherwise spend on commute daily. There are things about office I miss though, but I’m not sure I’m willing to spend so many hours of my life for them.

It would be tough for anyone to push me to get to office since none of the folks I work with are in this city. The only way I see this working out is companies state they will reduce salaries of people who do not come into the office. Considering the crazy salaries that are being offered in the market and the sheer time it takes to hire new people I’m not sure how that will work out.

I guess I’ll wait and watch.

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